
Our next Boulder Portrait Photographers meeting is going to be a blast- a live shoot with snakes! How did we come up with THAT idea? Well, after our Seniors photo shoot a bunch of us went out to a sports bar to grab something to eat. We were sitting around and brain-storming – just throwing out different ideas of what would be fun to do for our next shoot.  One of our members, Chuck, mentioned that he raised snakes. And then I remembered watching a tutorial where the photographer was shooting a bride in the dessert with a snake wrapped around her. Da-ding – why can’t we do that? Chuck loved the idea (hmm – maybe he came up with it first). Anyway, we started planning, I found some models and now its a real, live event! In 2 more days! That’s what I love about this group. There’s so much diversity, talent and motivation among us that creative ideas just naturally spring up (and become a reality).



If you are a professional or semi-professional portrait photographer please feel free to drop in on one of our meetings. You can find more info on our Facebook Page: