
Sunny Mexico

I am happy to say that I have finally had a real vacation. Not that I have any complaints – my life is pretty darn good even without traveling around the world. But, the week in Puerto Vallerta was just what I needed to rejuvenate my spirit. It was a great vacation even if it wasn’t always sunny in Mexico.










What I Did On My Summer Vacation

OK – I know this is a little late. But I just sent these pics to my cousin on Long Island and so I thought I would add them to my blog as well. We visited my cousin Rochelle and her (very shy and inhibited) husband Bernie in August 2011. My favorite part of the vacation was going to Jones Beach (of which I got no pictures at all!). We also spent a day in Manhattan, checked out some graffiti in Brooklyn, had Chinese food in Queens and a big family dinner at Rochelle’s house where I got to visit with some of my long-lost relatives.