Denver Discoveries

Everyone Is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day

Well, at least in Denver, that is. What a wonderful town I live in. I love the diversity. I love that whatever your ethnicity or heritage you can join in and celebrate another’s holiday. That was certainly the case for St. Patrick’s Day. Nearly every one and every business establishment gave a “tip of the hat” in honor of St. Patrick.























Cowboy Up!

It’s January. It’s Denver. It’s times for the National Western Stock Show.  And the opening day parade – so worth going to! You don’t get to see longhorn steer roaming up 17th street very often. Great photo – op.


Denver’s Comic Con

Not exactly a stranger to “strange” (after all, I lived in the frozen dead guy town for 20 years) some of Denver’s most popular events are, in my book, pretty out there.  But I love these events for they represent the spirit and diversity of Denver. You really don’t have to fit the mold here.

This year I discovered “Comic Con”, a convention for comic book lovers whose mission statement reads as follows: “Educating children and the general public through comic books and other forms of pop culture, and bringing together the diverse people and interests of our community regardless of age, race, gender or background.” This program of Pop Culture  features the best in comics along with popular sci-fi and fantasy tv shows, movies, Japanese animation, cosplay (fan-created costumes and costumed skits), toys, gaming, and panel presentations.





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