Photography User’s Group

Photography Classes now in NW Denver

Basic Digital Photography – $79.00

Every Tuesday night starting April 5 through May 24 (8 weeks)

from 7:00pm – 8:30 pm @ Sue Daniels Photography


This course is for anyone who finally wants to get out of “auto” mode, take better photos and become more creative with their photography. Classes are held in my studio located in Northwest Denver which is easily accessible from Boulder. Please bring your camera, camera manual, flash and flash manual to class. If you would like to follow along in the image editing class, please bring a laptop with you on day 7. Recommended software – Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, Lightroom.


Day 1 – Camera Settings – automatic and beyond

Day 2 -The Exposure Triangle – aperture, shutter speed, ISO

Day 3 – Lighting

Day 4 – Composition

Day 5 – Using flash

Day 6 – Studio Session – with model

Day 7 – Image Editing Software and Retouching Basics

Day 6 – Photo Critique/Wine and Cheese


Class size limited to 8

Sign Up Here:




The subject of this post (in case you’re not familiar with the title’s acronyms)  is Boulder Portrait Photographers  at Doors Open Denver. Doors Open Denver occurs every year in April. It is a free two-day event that invites you to seek out the architecture of Denver’s most interesting buildings, take special guided tours, bike to historic places or walk through several neighborhoods.  The self-guided tours are free thanks to the the Denver Architectural Foundation, and their many sponsors and friends. Eight of us from BPP (plus our 2 models) meet at  the beautifully remodeled Union Station on Sunday, April 26 to take in the Denver architectural sites and add some environmental portraiture to our portfolios. Despite the almost non-stop rain we visited several buildings, put a lot of our equipment (cameras, lens, reflectors, strobes) to good use, and captured some lovely images of our 2 models. It was a day well spent and I applaud everyone in the group for staying in such good spirits despite the obstacles we faced such as the rain, the crowds and (haha) the security guards. It was lovely spending the day with all of you!



















Flying High

Thought I would try shooting something different this past Sunday. Went to the Wings Over The Rockies Air and Space Museum. It was a bit challenging for me because I am not very passionate about airplanes. But, I found that if I play with my camera a little and try stuff I usually don’t do during my regular work as a photographer I can have a lot of fun and maybe even learn a little. And, of course, eventually I was shooting the people who were shooting the inanimate objects so that made me happy.


  Shooting at a very slow shutter speed (notice the “ghosting” to the left of the photograph). Warning: Don’t try this without a tripod.



Zooming while the shutter is open. Again, you need a tripod.













Model Airplane Builder









Summer Picnic 2014

I always look forward to our  group of portrait photographers that meet once a month in Boulder.  Being part of this group has been an invaluable experience for I not only get  support, inspiration and education but I have a ton of fun with them. Not everyone can understand the obsessive and consuming nature of photography but these guys sure can and no apologies need be made.  This past meeting marked our 2 year anniversary which we decided to celebrate with a picnic and photo shoot.  The rain had cleared, the models were great, the setting couldn’t be beat and the food was terrific. What more could you ask for?

Boulder Portrait Photographers – Working With Iron Requires Nerves of Steel

For our last BPP meeting Bill arranged for the group to go to Fort Collins to shoot an iron worker and his assistants.  Most of us brought our own lighting setups – Profoto studio strobes, Nikon Speedlites, Canon Speedlites, LED and ICE lights, tungsten spots and flash lights. Some very interesting effects occurred because of the mix of light sources  and  “accidentally” triggering each others lights (lots of lens flare and back lighting).



Our next Boulder Portrait Photographers meeting is going to be a blast- a live shoot with snakes! How did we come up with THAT idea? Well, after our Seniors photo shoot a bunch of us went out to a sports bar to grab something to eat. We were sitting around and brain-storming – just throwing out different ideas of what would be fun to do for our next shoot.  One of our members, Chuck, mentioned that he raised snakes. And then I remembered watching a tutorial where the photographer was shooting a bride in the dessert with a snake wrapped around her. Da-ding – why can’t we do that? Chuck loved the idea (hmm – maybe he came up with it first). Anyway, we started planning, I found some models and now its a real, live event! In 2 more days! That’s what I love about this group. There’s so much diversity, talent and motivation among us that creative ideas just naturally spring up (and become a reality).



If you are a professional or semi-professional portrait photographer please feel free to drop in on one of our meetings. You can find more info on our Facebook Page:

Sue Daniels Photography

Gearing Up For Seniors

There’s a group of great photographers that I have been getting together with on a monthly basis for the past year. We call ourselves “Boulder Portrait Photographers” and besides being totally dedicated to our craft we love to have fun. This month we decided to do a mock senior portrait shoot – just to warm up for our high school clientele and try some new techniques. We had 3 great models – Josh, Star and Chelsey – none of them “professional’ models, but, nonetheless,  beautiful (sorry Josh – I mean handsome) fantastic, creative and easy to work with. We all met on Pearl St. this past Thursday and headed for the alleyway for an urban-type shoot. We found a really great place –  funky bricks walls, grungy floors, pipes, doorways and vines. And relatively private with plenty of space for 10 photographers and 3 models to work in. And, as an extra bonus, another unrelated photographer and his model (a yogi) showed up (hence the yoga group pose) which added even more variety and fun!

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Sue Daniels Photography

For Professional Photographers –

Getting Ready For Senior Season

Come meet on Pearl St for this Urban Senior Portrait Session where we can share creative ideas, photography tips and get “warmed up” for senior season. This will be a practical, hands-on session so bring cameras, lens and flashes. 1 boy model and 1 girl model. $10 model fee. Event is put on by Boulder Portrait Photographers –


Night Lights!

It’s been awhile since I’ve written on my blog. Nov and Dec are the busiest months for me. But I wanted to take a little time today to show pics I took from our last photo group’s meeting. It was so enjoyable – the shooting, the sharing, the company of everyone. I loved experimenting with light painting and, of course, I loved taking photos of the street musicians.

Afterwards, we had a great party (with delicious food) at Rick’s studio on Pearl Street.

I’m really looking forward to our meeting in February where Rick and I are trying to put together a boudoir session.

Boulder Portrait Photographers Meeting – Thurs, October 11

Get Ready To Shoot!

Come join us at the next Boulder Portrait Photographers User Group on Thursday, October 11 from 6 to 8. Bring your cameras because we are going to be doing some shooting at BDA’s new 18″ x 30″ production studio! That’s right – hands on practice in a studio setting. The studio comes equipped with an Arri professional 4 head constant light kit and 12′ wide  black and white seamless paper. I will be bringing my Photogenic studio strobes, soft boxes, tripod, light meter and Pocket Wizards. We will be modeling for each other. Meet at BDA (our usual location). The studio is a short walk from there.
For more info call Sue at 303-258-0266 or e-mail
